Emergency Medicine

The specialty of "Emergency Medicine" was published in the Official Gazette dated 30 April 1993 and numbered 21567 in Turkey and was accepted as a specialty branch under the name of "First and Emergency Aid". Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine was established on 26.03.1997 with the approval of the Council of Higher Education.The first founding President of the Department was Professor Dr. Fettah Fevzi Ersoy, faculty member of the Department of Internal Medicine, Department of Nephrology. Assistant Professor Hayri Bozan, Assistant Professor Dr. Şenol Karslı and Assistant Professor Dr. Serdar Akça, who started working in 1997, started working full-time as the first faculty members of the department and they became the trainers of the Emergency Medicine specialty training program that started on 05.06.1998. Dr. Oktay Eray on 31.12.1998, Dr. Yıldıray Çete on 22.06.1999 and Dr. Cem Oktay on 24.08.1999 completed their Emergency Medicine specialization training and took over their medical specialization training as an Emergency Medicine specialist. Dr. Seçgin Söyüncü in 2022, Dr. Ahmet Fırat Bektaş in 2004, Dr. Mutlu Kartal, Dr. Erkan Göksu, Dr. Cenker Eken in 2005, Specialist Dr. Özlem Yiğit in 2010, Dr. Aslıhan Yürüktümen (Ünal) and Dr. Süleyman İbze started working in the Department in 2022.The founding faculty members left the department to work in their own fields of expertise, with the participation of Emergency Medicine specialist faculty members. Dr. Cenker Eken left the department in 2016, and Dr. Oktay Eray left the department in 2022. After the Department of Emergency Medicine was established, health care was provided in the Emergency Service in the area that is currently the Day Surgery Center until October 1999. With the opening of the Akdeniz University Hospital Block B building, the emergency department was moved to the area where it continues to serve.
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Emergency Service 
Telephone: +90 242 249 69 69
Faks: 0 242 249 60 40
E-mail: ipd@akdeniz.edu.tr
Adress: B Block 1st Floor
Eklenme tarihi :11.03.2024 10:34:54
Son güncelleme : 24.06.2024 11:46:23