Radiation Oncology

Akdeniz University School of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology was founded in June 1999 and is continuing to serve our people and other Europian Union, Russian Federation and Middle East Countries. Our department is one of the best  and prominent centers in Turkey. A huge number of patients with benign and malign tumors are being treated in our department. Mostly lung, breast, prostate, head & neck, gastrointestinal system, , gynocological, genitouriner system tumors, along with central nervous system, hematological system, skin, bone-and-soft tissue and pediatric tumors are being treated.
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Radiation Oncology Polyclinic Secretary
Phone: +90 242 249 69 69 
Address: H Block 1st Floor
E-mail: ipd@akdeniz.edu.tr

Radiation Oncology Department Secretary
Phone: +90 242 249 69 69
Address: H Block 1st Floor
E-Mail: ipd@akdeniz.edu.tr

Eklenme tarihi :7.11.2022 22:31:33
Son güncelleme : 15.08.2024 13:58:21