Emergency Medicine

ABOUT US (Introduction of the Department, information about the outpatict clinic, inpatient clinic Information on the Number of Physicians, etc.)

Dr. from the academic staff of the Department of Emergency Medicine, medical personnel from the administration of Akdeniz University Hospital and auxiliary personnel provide health services in the Emergency Service in Block B of the Hospital. The Emergency Department basically consists of 2 separate units: Adult Emergency and Pediatric Emergency. Emergency health services are provided to adult patients and pediatric trauma patients in the Adult Emergency Department, and to pediatric patients who apply with medical complaints in the Pediatric Emergency Department. Physicians from the Department of Emergency Medicine work in the Adult Emergency Department, and physicians from the Department of Child Health and Diseases work in the Pediatric Emergency Service.

The emergency department has 2 entrances:
1. Outpatient entrance 2. Ambulancentrance
Service is provided in 3 triage units for outpatients in the emergency department. In two of these units, triage is applied to adult patients and pediatric trauma cases. In one, triage is applied to pediatric patients presenting with medical complaints. Triage is carried out by nurses who are experienced in emergency medical care and trained in triage.
Triage is a French word meaning to select, to sort out. Patients are divided into 5 categories according to the urgency of their complaints and clinical conditions. More urgent patients are given priority. In the triage area, the officer asks patients about their complaints, a focused history and medical history, and their vital signs are measured. Patients are taken to the appropriate area in the emergency department in accordance with the classification consisting of 5 categories. Triage of patients brought by ambulance is done immediately by a nurse working in the critical care area, and the patient is taken to the stretcher in the appropriate area.

Admission of outpatients is done while the patient is taken to the examination area. Admission of patients brought by ambulance is completed at the stretcher or through the patient's relative, without keeping the patient waiting.

Eklenme tarihi :11.03.2024 13:50:30
Son güncelleme : 14.06.2024 13:49:10