Thoracic Medicine Expertises

Pulmonology is a unit where diseases related to the respiratory system are diagnosed, treated and followed up. In this department, examinations, tests and treatments related to respiratory system diseases such as asthma, COPD, bronchitis, pneumonia, intestitial lung disease and sleep disorders are performed. While the Pulmonology Department serves outpatients with a total of seven separate Asthma/COPD, 24 patients can be examined and treated in the inpatient ward.
Pulmonary function test, carbon monoxide diffusion test, skin prick test (allergy test), bronchoscopy, EBUS, cryobiopsy and polysomnography, which are used in the diagnosis and follow-up of various diseases, can be performed in the chest diseases department of our hospital.
Pulmonary Function Testing Laboratory
Our laboratory serves in the Chest Diseases Outpatient Clinic on the ground floor of Block H of our Hospital. Pulmonary function tests are performed with a device called spirometer. This test is performed by a respiratory technician and interpreted by a doctor.
Pulmonary function test
Pulmonary function tests are a very general approach to objectively measure the capacity and functional status of the lungs. In other words, this test can measure the volume of air that the lungs can take in and the airflow rate generated by the strong respiratory activity during the intake and delivery of this air into the lungs. These two parameters provide extremely important clues in the diagnosis of many diseases such as asthma, COPD (chronic bronchitis, emphysema). In addition, pulmonary function tests performed in the follow-up of the treatment of these patients can monitor the success of the treatment and the course of the disease over time.
Bronchial provocation test
Bronchial provocation tests are performed to show bronchial hyperreactivity (hyperresponsiveness). This test is used for the diagnosis and exclusion of asthma.It is not widely used in clinical routine and is mostly preferred for clinical research or in cases with diagnostic problems.
In this test, the agent called methacholine is used. It causes narrowing of the bronchi, leading to a decrease in pulmonary function test (FEV1). The patient may develop shortness of breath during the test. Therefore, this test should be performed in an environment where shortness of breath can be treated and in the presence of a specialist.
Before the test, it is assessed whether the patient has any contraindications to the test. If there is no contraindication, the patient is made to inhale certain concentrations of the drug used in gradually increasing doses according to a certain protocol. FEV1 is measured 90 seconds after the patient inhales the test dose. The test is continued until there is a 20% decrease in FEV1. The dose that causes a 20% decrease in FEV1 is considered provocative dose 20 (PD20) and the concentration is considered provocative concentration 20 (PC20).
Diffusion Test
This test measures the surface area of gas exchange in the lungs and is performed by a respiratory technician and interpreted by a doctor. During the test, a gas mixture containing helium is inhaled, the breath is held for 10 seconds and then exhaled. The amount of gas lost is calculated by the device.
Fields of usage:
• In conditions that cause narrowing of the airways such as emphysema, cystic fibrosis,
• In parenchymal diseases of the lung called interstitial lung diseases,
• In systemic diseases with lung involvement such as rheumatoid arthritis and SLE
• It is done in some cardiovascular diseases.
Bronchoscopy Laboratory
Our laboratory serves on the 1st floor of Block H of our hospital.
Bronchoscopy, which is performed in the presence of a faculty member, a research assistant and a respiratory technician, is an endoscopic evaluation of the airways called the trachea and bronchial tree.
The patient scheduled to undergo bronchoscopy should be fasted and dehydrated for at least 6 hours before the procedure. Before the procedure, tests such as respiratory test, blood test and ECG may be requested. A flexible (bendable) bronchoscope is used during the procedure.
An anesthetic spray is sprayed into the airways before and during the procedure to numb them. If necessary, it can also be performed under anesthesia. The trachea and bronchi are accessed through the nose. Diagnostic biopsies and interventions such as bronchial lavage, brushing, fine needle aspiration are performed from the region(s) deemed necessary by the physician. The samples are sent to the pathology and/or microbiology laboratory.
Bronchoscopy can usually be performed on an outpatient basis without the need for hospitalization. The patient is kept in our 2-bed observation room for 2-3 hours after the procedure and sent home the same day.
EBUS (Endobronchial ultrasonography) is an imaging technique using an ultrasound probe inserted into the bronchus during the bronchoscopy procedure. With this method, it is possible to examine the intra-bronchial tissues and lymph nodes in detail and take a biopsy. EBUS plays an important role in the diagnosis and staging of diseases such as lung cancer and sarcoidosis.
Cryobiopsy is performed under operating room conditions, under general anesthesia and with the patient intubated. It is a procedure that utilizes the adhesive effect of cold. In the intubated patient, the tip of the cryo probe sent through the tube into the lung is cooled and adhered to the tissue, allowing much larger pieces of tissue to be taken compared to biopsies performed with traditional bronchoscopy. Cryobiopsy can currently be performed in a few centers in Turkey.
Sleep Disorders Center
Our sleep disorders laboratory is one of the first accredited sleep laboratories in Turkey. Opened in 2001 as a 1-bed laboratory, today it serves as a 5-bed sleep center working in a multidisciplinary approach together with the Departments of Otorhinolaryngology and Neurology. All sleep disorders can be diagnosed and treated in the center.
Sleep apnea is a respiratory arrest during sleep. Snoring and increased daytime sleepiness are the most common symptoms of sleep breathing disorders. Strictures in the upper airways, overweight people, short and thick necks, anatomical disorders in the face (large tongue, large tonsils and adenoids, etc.), and sometimes medications can cause snoring and apnea. Cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and coronary artery disease may also be seen in these patients. The definitive diagnosis is made in the polysomnography laboratory (sleep laboratory)., Patients are hospitaliT movoevrgntighihstnaontdicre, cvoisridt:s of sleep stages, arousal, respiratory effort, airflow, electrocardiography, electromyography saturation are taken. This examination determines whether the patient has apneas, how often they occur, how long they last and their effect on the general functions of the body. In patients diagnosed with sleep apnea and in need of treatment, titration is performed with an additional study (CPAP, BIPAP, ASV).
Allergy Test
Our laboratory serves in the Chest Diseases Outpatient Clinic on the Ground Floor of Block H of our Hospital.
Allergy tests are tests that detect the presence of allergies and help to determine if there is an allergic cause of the current illness. The Prict test (epidermal test) is a test that does not cause pain or discomfort to the patient and results in a short time. It is usually performed on the inside of the arm. Liquid test material containing allergen is dripped onto the skin. A small scratch is made in the top layer of the skin, allowing the allergen to seep into the skin and combine with the "allergy cells" there. This is done with sterile and disposable pointed materials called "lancets". After the test is administered, wait 10-15 minutes and then evaluate the skin responses.
Antihistamines, some medications used in the treatment of flu infections, in the treatment of stomach diseases, in the treatment of depression may cause the test to give inaccurate results. For this reason, the person should inform his/her doctor about the medications
Smoking Cessation Outpatient Clinic
At the Smoking Cessation Treatment clinic, we apply scientifically proven treatment methods. When you first apply to our clinic, we first take your medical history and physical examination and request the necessary tests. We evaluate your test results and start the most appropriate medication and psychological support treatments for you. We schedule a follow-up appointment within the first 10 days after you quit smoking. In this meeting, we evaluate your treatment, talk about the problems you encounter in the process of quitting smoking and provide consultancy. We check in the next 1st, 2nd and 3rd months. At check-ups, we continue to provide counseling on quitting smoking and evaluate the progress of your treatment.
Eklenme tarihi :13.03.2024 00:58:39
Son güncelleme : 29.05.2024 12:00:41