Core needle biopsy (tru-cut biopsy / cortical biopsy)
Wire localization under ultrasound/mammography guidance
Marking of tumors and axillary lymph nodes with clips/markers before chemotherapy in patients diagnosed with breast cancer
Diagnostic and therapeutic interventional procedures under imaging guidance (fine needle aspiration biopsy, abscess drainage)"
Nuclear Medicine Methods Used in Breast Cancer Management:
FDG-PET/CT, is a hybrid imaging method which is widely used in breast cancer diagnosis, staging, restaging and treatment response evaluation. Allowing whole body imaging is an advantage for detecting distant metastasis, especially in initial diagnostic evaluation and also follow-up. Evaluation of therapy can also be achieved by FDG-PET/CT.
Sentinel lymph Node (SLN) Scintigraphy and Sentinel lymph Node Detection With Intraoperative Gamma Probe:
Accurate lymph node staging in breast cancer is crucial for prognosis and treatment. SLN is defined as the first lymph node or node group which the primary tumor spreads via lymphatic pathways. SLN study includes the following steps respectively; radiopharmaceutical injection around/into the primary breast lesion, subsequent scintigraphic imaging, and surgical removal of the scintigraphically detected lymph node using a gamma probe during surgery (intraoperatively). SLN scintigraphy can be performed at least 2-3 hours before the operation or the day before the operation. Lymph node accumulating the highest count after radioactivity injection (SLN), is detected intraoperatively by using a device called “gamma probe” during the surgery and then it is surgically removed. More than scintigraphically demonstrated lymph nodes can be detected by the gamma probe use. The removed lymph node is evaluated with a rapid pathological examination called “frozen” during the surgery.
Bone Scintigraphy:
Bone scintigraphy is a commonly used scintigraphic technique which can detect bone metastases of breast cancer and also many other malignancies with high sensitivity. Whole body examination and detecting least 5% change in bone turn over much earlier than radiological findings appear, are important advantages.
Son güncelleme : 6.03.2025 15:57:05