Dermatology and Venereology Expertises

Diagnostic Services: Native preparation in the examination of skin, hair and nail samples, trichogram evaluation in hair loss, examination of wound swabs for diagnostic purposes, examination of various diseases with wood light, evaluation of moles and skin tumors by dermoscopy, allergic patch test, biopsy procedures, pathergy test.

Treatment Servıces: Biopsy for diagnostic purposes and surgical interventions for treatment, cryotherapy, electrocauterization, acne treatment, ingrown toenail treatment, botulinum toxin application in the treatment of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), chemical peeling, local and general photo(chemo) in many diseases. therapy (UVA, UVB) treatments are provided. Depending on the program, one of our faculty members works with research assistants throughout the day in the outpatient clinic and another faculty member works in patient consultation or treatment services in our service.

Eklenme tarihi :8.03.2024 16:38:57
Son güncelleme : 4.06.2024 11:19:12