Alcohol and Drugs Rehabilitation

Alcohol and Subtance Dependency Treatment and Research Center of Akdeniz (Mediterranean) University (AMBAUM) was established with tripartite protocol on May 20,2006. AMBAUM is a center that provides treatment for people and their families struggling with alcohol addiction and substance abuse

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Alcohol and Substance Addiction Res. And App Center
Telephone: +90 242 249 69 69
Faks: 0 242 249 60 40
Adress: Akdeniz University Rectorate (AMBAUM) Alcohol and Substance Addiction Research and Application Center Dumlupınar Boulevard, Campus 07059 ANTALYA
Eklenme tarihi :7.11.2022 10:44:49
Son güncelleme : 15.08.2024 13:40:28