Ear Nose and Throat Diseases Expertises

Our Working Zones:
Akdeniz University Hospital Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic provides services with the following sub-working groups:

• Rhinology
• Facial Plastic Surgery
• Otology-Neurootology
• Head and Neck Surgery
• Laryngology
• Audiovestibular and speech disorders working groups.
• Pediatric Otolaryngology
• The diagnosis and treatment of our patients with sleep-related breathing disorders such as snoring and obstructive sleep apnea are carried out in the Sleep Laboratory, which was established in our clinic in 2008 and is the first accredited ENT clinic in Turkey.
• High Frequency Audiometry, ABR, MLR, LLR, EcochG, VEMP, Otoacoustic Emission and Impedance measurements are performed in our audiovestibular laboratory.
• We have computerized voice analysis systems and videolaryngostroboscopy facilities for the diagnosis and treatment of voice diseases.
• Acoustic rhinometry and rhinomanometry are used for objective analysis of nasal obstructions.
• Scan OAE
• Scan OAE+ABR
• Portable Multifrequency Impedance Meter
• Free Field Children's Audiometer
• VRA (Free Field Conditioning Audiometer)
Vestibular System Test
• Computerized ENG
• Air Caloric Stimulation Systems
• Water Caloric Stimulation Systems
• Posturography (Static - Dynamic Multitest Equlibre Platform)
• Rotation Chair and Systems
• Subjective Perception - Vertigo Evaluation Systems
• Multifrequency Vibroscope System

Our Surgery
• Auriculoplasty (auricle surgery),
• Tympanoplasty (ear drum repair)
• Mastoidectomy
• Stapedectomy,
• Endolymphatic sac decompression
• Facial nerve decompression
• Cochlear implantation
• Acoustic neuroma surgery
• Vestibular neurectomy
• Nose-sinus surgeries
• Septoplasty,
• Septorhinoplasty,
• Endoscopic sinus surgery,
• Nasal and sinus tumor surgery,
• Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy,
• Endoscopic optic nerve decompression,
• Opening of choanal atresia
• Head and neck cancer surgeries
• Laryngectomy
• Neck dissection
• Submandibular gland excision
• Parotidectomy
• Pediatric ENT surgeries
• Adenoidectomy (adenoid),
• Tonsillectomy (tonsil),
• Ear Tube application,
• Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea surgery
• Voice surgery
• Transoral robotic surgery (TORS da Vinci® Surgical System)

Eklenme tarihi :13.03.2024 18:16:08
Son güncelleme : 15.08.2024 14:02:08